FAQ: What is a substitute for return (SFR)? Tax AlertsSteve MossNovember 26, 2014SFR, tax returnComment
Time payments to maximize year end tax benefits Tax AlertsSteve MossNovember 19, 2014charitable gifts, deductions, year-endComment
Post-election Congress grapples with extenders as lawmakers plan for 2015 Tax AlertsSteve MossNovember 15, 2014affordable care act, extenders, tax reformComment
Taxpayers prepare for Affordable Care Act filing requirements and more Tax AlertsSteve MossNovember 4, 2014affordable care act, open enrollment, shared responsibilityComment
How Do I? Apply the Pease limitation Tax AlertsSteve MossOctober 27, 2014adjusted gross income, inflation, itemized deductions
New De Minimis Safe Harbor Rule Tax AlertsSteve MossOctober 24, 2014code section 179, de minimis safe harbor
IRS clarifies streamlined process for disclosing offshore accounts Tax AlertsSteve MossOctober 23, 2014foreign accounts, offshore accountsComment
"Lame-duck" Congress returns with busy post-election tax agenda Tax AlertsSteve MossOctober 17, 2014IRS funding, tax bills, tax extendersComment
New ACA Requirements for 2014 Health Care, Tax AlertsSteve MossOctober 15, 2014affordable care act, tax mandate
How Do I? Compute depreciation conventions at year-end? Tax AlertsSteve MossSeptember 29, 2014convention, depreciation, MACRSComment
FAQ: Are employer-provided meals deduction/income? Employees & Team, Tax AlertsSteve MossSeptember 26, 2014employer tax deductions, IRSComment
Prepare for Employer Mandate Employees & Team, Health Care, Tax AlertsSteve MossSeptember 25, 2014affordable care act, employer mandate
How do I...satisfy the moving expense deduction criteria of start of work, distance and time? Tax AlertsSteve MossAugust 27, 2014moving expenses, tax deductibleComment
Partnerships' exposure to net investment income tax not always clear cut Tax AlertsSteve MossAugust 24, 2014net investment, partnership taxComment
Employer Health Insurance Reporting Employees & Team, Health Care, Tax AlertsSteve MossAugust 20, 2014affordable care act, health coverage, IRS
Why Use Partnership Over S Corporation? Tax AlertsSteve MossJuly 30, 2014business partnership, limited partnership
Compute Employer Child Care Credit Tax AlertsSteve MossJuly 28, 2014child care, child care facility, tax credit
Courts Split on Affordable Care Act Health Care, Tax AlertsSteve MossJuly 24, 2014ACA Marketplace, appeals court, tax credits
New look to TINs/EINs to prevent identity theft or refund fraud Tax AlertsSteve MossJuly 21, 2014EIN, identity theft, refund fraud, TINComment
IRS final rules encourage longevity annuity purchases Tax AlertsSteve MossJuly 18, 2014deferred income annuity, longevity annuityComment